Decisiones documentadas para Cristo y Contando
Decisiones documentadas
por Cristo y Contando

Tres dimensiones de la oración

Mathew 7:7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; Seek, and you will find; Knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? 11 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

Notice the acronym for Ask, Seek, and Knock. ASK

Get ready for answers to your prayers! Ask implies the need for perseverance. Ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking, knock and keep on knocking until you get an answer. If you ask, then you will receive it!

In Exodus 25, God began to speak to Moses about making Him a place to dwell among His people according to the pattern in heaven. The Tabernacle had three areas. This tabernacle is no longer physical; we are His tabernacle, comprised of spirit, soul, and body.

Three dimensions of the Tabernacle– Outer Court, Holy Place, and the  Holy of Holies

Each area of the Tabernacle had certain components.

  1. The Physical body is like the Outer Courts. The first realm is the realm of the flesh or body. This is the dimension of asking. We enter the gate of the Tabernacle. Enter His gates with thanksgiving.
    1. It was here that we experienced the laver and altar.
    2. The laver is a picture of where we confess our sins so that we may be washed.
    3. The altar is our sacrifice of thanksgiving.

It is here we confess our sins. As we confess, our sins are being washed away. As you transition, you may begin to cry. It could be different with each person.

  1. The Soul is like the Holy Place. The second dimension is the seeking. There were three articles found in the Holy Place.
    1. The Table of Shewbread-

a. Jesus said I am the bread of life. Whoever eats this will never hunger.

b. This table represents the Word of God.

When you come into this dimension, you begin to pray and speak God’s Word. Meditate on God’s Word. You are now becoming more sensitive as you move forward. According to Zechariah, you will encounter the Menorah, which represents the Holy Spirit

2. The Menorah or the Golden Lampstand (Zechariah 4:1-7)

The lampstand represents the Holy Spirit. Not by might or power but by my Seven Branches or the Holy Spirit. We may begin to pray in our prayer language here. Now, the Holy Spirit is helping you pray. According to Romans 8:26-27, The Holy Spirit helps our infirmities because He knows how to help us find. The Holy Spirit is making intercessions for us. We have a teacher and an intercessor on the inside. The Holy Place is not by our power.

3. Altar of Incense- Incense always represents prayer. It is a sweet fragrance by the Holy Spirit bringing out a perfume from you to God.

  1. Our spirit is the Holy of Holies or the innermost place. The third dimension is knocking. Now you are in the river. In this place, time is suspended. You may lose track of time. In this place, you have confidence and faith. This is now a place of stillness. This is where you find the Ark of the Covenant (Testimony), which contains three things. The Ark represents Jesus, and he has three things for you.
    1. Aaron’s rod that budded- Power
    2. Little pot of Manna- Provision
    3. The Tablets (Word)- This is the place of revelation

Jesus said knock when you’re in my presence. If any man comes to me and knocks, if any man comes to me, he will find pasture. The door is salvation.  When you go through, you will find pasture, power, provision, and revelation.

The Holy of Holies is found in Psalms 46:10. Be still (Rapa) in this place and know!!! This is a place of stillness. The place where we cease.

Ezekiel 22:30-31 This is where you stand in the gap before God for the land. This represents people.

  1. Don’t take your phone into the prayer closet.
  2. In this place, you are granted the Rod, Manna, and Tablets