Decisiones documentadas para Cristo y Contando
Decisiones documentadas
por Cristo y Contando

Domingo 17 de noviembre Ordenación y graduación

Prophet Ed would like to congratulate all those who were ordained into offices of Deacons, Deaconesses, Ministers, Prophetess, and Pastors. The presence of the Holy Spirit met us here in Freedom Arena beginning the first night of the 100 Sons & Daughters Training and Mentoring Weekend. His presence was so powerful that many prophecies, impartations, healings, and deliverances took place unscripted. 

The teaching and training were unlike many had ever heard in that they provided a practical view of where each was at in ministry and what it would look like going forward. The testimonies are still coming into our emails, posts on social media, and call centers.

With the graduation of the 24 mentees, who had hands-on training with Prophet Ed in Dubai, Pakistan, and different crusades, Prophet Ed taught in person as Jesus taught His disciples and regularly via ZOOM. These Mentees have gained a rank in the realms of the Spirit and by God’s Grace will fulfill their calling and purpose on a greater level than ever before.

For those who would like to be personally mentored by Prophet Ed, please look at the link below for an early bird discount for Prophetic School 2.0