Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


Ed Citronnelli Ministries

About Ed Citronnelli

Ed Citronnelli

Prophet & Evangelist
Over 30 years later, the Holy Spirit has taken this humble servant to the ends of the earth to preach the gospel of healing and deliverance to hundreds of thousands. From the United States to the Dominican Republic, from Ecuador to Mexico, from India to Pakistan, and to Ghana and Nigeria and others making request for his ministry like Liberia, Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Rwanda, United Arab Emirates, Haiti and and the Philippines. Prophet Ed has gone preaching with signs and wonders following his ministry. His massive miracle crusades of up to 100,000 people in attendance and growing are marking nations for the Kingdom of God. The sick are healed, the blind see, the deaf hear, the mute speak, the cripple walk, demon spirits are casted out, satanic curses are broken and even the dead have been raised, all in the power of the Holy Spirit and the wonderful and mighty name of Jesus Christ, his Lord.

Besides his busy international schedule, Prophet Ed also oversees multiracial churches in New York and Texas, where more than 21 nations are represented in the congregation. There are also other branches throughout the world such as Ecuador, Ghana and Pakistan. In the services, he says, “Though God used me to start the churches, I am only the Assistant Pastor, because the Senior Pastor is my best friend, the Holy Spirit.” In his services, worship and songs of adoration are central and this creates a strong presence of the Holy Spirit. People begin to fall under the power of God and many weep prostrated before the Lord Jesus Christ. A strong manifestation of the Word of Knowledge, signs, wonders and miracles begin to take place. Visions, visitations by angels, supernatural weight loss and gold dust falling from heaven have been noted. Money has also appeared supernaturally in empty wallets. He is very well versed in conducting evangelistic meetings, conferences, seminars and workshops equipping pastors and leaders in the power of the Holy Spirit. These days, the ministry continues to expand around the world and the work load increases, but he says that “this is our day. The Apostles had their day and they did their work well. But God is counting on us to mark our day, just as the Apostles marked theirs for Jesus.”

Prophet Ed is married to his wife Carol of over 30 years, and they have three beautiful God-fearing children who also serve in the ministry: Justin, Gabrielle & Hannah. He is also a grandfather. As he would often say to the people in his miracle crusades, “Please give a hand of applause and acknowledge my best friend the Holy Spirit for what he has done and for being here with us.”
This Week At ECM

Ed Citronnelli Ministries

Word & Worship Wednesdays - 7:30 pm
(No Wednesday Services the
Weekend of Transformation)

Friday Night Transformation Service 7:30 pm
(First Friday Night of Each Month)

Holy Spirit Sunday of Breakthrough
Sunday 9:00 am New Member Class
Sunday - 10:00 am Holy Spirit Sunday of Breakthrough Service

Our Mission

Ed Citronnelli Ministries exists by the will of God to impact this generation and generations to come, by taking to all nations the power of the gospel to save, heal, deliver and overall prosperity of people (3 John 2). It is to carry out the Great Commission as given by the Lord (Matt. 28: 18-20; Mark 16: 15-18). It is to promote unity within the body of Christ worldwide. It exists to strengthen, encourage and exhort every believer through the teaching of foundational truths of the Kingdom of God, so that they may walk in the fellowship and power of the Holy Spirit and their God-given inheritance (Eph. 1:17-19; 3: 14-19).

Our Vision

The Vision of Ed Citronnelli Ministries is to equip the church with the knowledge of the benefits and privileges of the atonement of Jesus Christ. This includes teaching the truths of the transforming power and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, necessary for a successful life here on earth and thereafter in Heaven. By using every channel of communication available, it is to take the wonderful healing power of Jesus Christ to the nations, and to promote and encourage the church to know, acknowledge and depend on the person of the Holy Spirit. It is to see the glory of God reach the darkest places on the earth so that people and governments may be impacted for a sure change.


At ECM, we base our beliefs on the authority of Scripture and belief that it is the infallible Word of God. In every way, we strive to maintain Biblical standards as a lifestyle in every area of life.

What We Believe In

Mark 16:17-18 that these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.